
We have exciting prizes for participants who take part in the Best Costume Competition and the Instagram Photo Contest. All participants are eligible to join. Here are the categories:

Best Costume Category:

Female Senior (age 50+)Male Senior (age 50+)
Female Adult (age 21-50) Male Adult (age 21-50)
Female Teen (age 10-20)Male Teen (age 10-20)
Female Kids (age <10)Male Kids (age <10)

Rules and regulations:

  1. The costume must be safe to wear during the run.
  2. The costume must be appropriate for all ages and not offensive or discriminatory.
  3. The costume must be worn during the run.
  4. Participants should avoid carrying any large props or accessories that could interfere with other runners or cause injury.
  5. Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony following the race.
  6. Prizes will only be presented on the spot and winners must be present to claim their prizes and cannot be claimed at a later time or date.
  7. Prizes are non-transferable.
  8. All decisions are at the discretion of the organizing committees and are final. Once a decision has been made, it cannot be altered or changed.

Instagram Contest Category:

Most-liked photo
Most-liked video

Rules and regulations:

  1. Participants must post a photo/video related to the run event on their personal Instagram account.
  2. The photo/video must not contain any offensive or inappropriate content.
  3. The photo/video must be original and does not violate any copyrights or trademarks.
  4. The photo/video must be posted latest by 10 November 2023.
  5. Instagram account must be set to public.
  6. The winner of the category will be determined by the number of likes received.
  7. The photo/video posted must include these hashtags;
  8. Participants must tag and follow. @treatorrun, @signalofadventure
  9. Winners will be announced on 12 November 2023.
  10. All decisions are at the discretion of the organizing committees and are final. Once a decision has been made, it cannot be altered or changed.